类型:悬疑,言情,古装 / 地区:欧美 / 年份:2019
导演:Diane Doniol-Valcroze
简介:谎称迷路的男人博文遇见了在肯德基过夜的女孩园园,他们是旧相识。园园帮助博文回到他家,但博文却坚称那不谎称迷路的男人博文遇见了在肯德基过夜的女孩园园,他们是旧相识。园园帮助博文回到他家,但博文却坚称那不是他家,家中的那对中年夫妻也不是他爸妈,只是长得像他爸妈而已。园园一直在外流浪,博文便跟着园园长住宾馆,吃饭喝酒,无所事事。不久,园园的钱就花光了,但园园并不联系她的家人。园园想拖住博文陪她流浪,便把他的行李箱藏起来,假装它丢失了。两人漫游到城市边缘的一堆废弃别墅群...... 影片是独立制片电影。本片全部由iPhone7plus拍摄而成,演员全体为非职业演员。本片导演同时兼任编剧、摄影、剪辑、作曲和制片人。In 1848, a young Frenchwoman, Madeline Minot, goes to New York City to see Thevenet, the grandfather of her fiance. Thevenet had been with Napoleon and may be sympathetic to the political aims of his grandson. She finds the old man in very bad spirits, living in a large house with a housekeeper and a butler who are just waiting for him to die (and perhaps helping him along a bit) so they can inherit his fortune. They see Madeline as a threat to their plans. She is aided in her dealings with these strange people by a mysterious man in a cloak.1960年代的香港,因生母在阿飞旭仔(张国荣)长大成人过程中的缺失,他把自己优雅地比喻为“无根鸟”,对生命中遇到的每一个女人都表现得放荡不羁,售票员苏丽珍(张曼玉)和舞女咪咪(刘嘉玲)先后令他感受过温暖,可是她们也只能当当小情人。为摆脱沉重和无力感,旭仔抛下一切去南洋找寻生母。 暗恋过苏丽珍且目睹过...他知道她很厉害,却不知道她竟然隐藏的这么深。沈瑞文是一个非常尽职的下属,申望津是一个高要求的上司,这造就了两人高效率的合作,谈公事的时候言简意赅,公事以外,从来没有一句闲谈。哪怕她依旧如从前一样正常学习生活,可是突然之间,就成了学校里的最受瞩目的漂亮姑娘。一想到刷锅水的那个味儿,张秀娥都想吐了。没精打采的趴在桌上听讲,下课肖战出去了也没注意。American human rights activist James Rhodes, arrives in Tijuana to help oversee union elections at a factory owned by a US company. He soon discovers that things have been happening around the town with people disappearing or being shot in a tunnel across the border in the States. He suspects it has something to do with the upcoming election. Along with local police detective Claudio Castillo, he starts investigating the case.详情