类型:言情,悬疑,科幻 / 地区:欧美 / 年份:2019
简介:THE FAR SHORE, a 1976 Canadian feature fictional fTHE FAR SHORE, a 1976 Canadian feature fictional film by painter and filmmaker Joyce Wieland, has a continuing interest. In it we see how a woman experimental filmmaker has attempted to use melodramatic form for feminist ends. The film is in its subject matter a radical feminist polemic. It depicts the way that the bourgeois family entraps the individual, and it criticizes the nuclear family as the basic social model of patriarchal culture. In its style, THE FAR SHORE makes such an ideological critique by mixing a codified"avant-garde" style and the Hollywood generic conventions of domestic melodrama.这样隐秘和晦涩的心思,原本根本无法宣之于口。香特尔·阿克曼(Chantal Akerman)无疑是比利时最杰出的女导演。1950年出生于布鲁塞尔,毕业于巴黎高等电影学院,之后在法国、比利时和美国拍过几部短片和长片;二战后欧洲艺术电影的叙事技巧对她影响很大,使她专注于描绘女性偶然的遭遇和意外的出现。她将女性的工作、爱情、欲望,作为长期关注的主题。她执导的电影探索多重叙事结构,拍过各种类型的影片(纪录片、音乐剧、日记等)。Emily Skeggs is an American stage and screen actress best known for her Tony-nominated performance as Medium Alison in the 2015 Broadway production of Fun Home.不是那种故意耍宝的羞涩,而是发自内心的真实反应。还真是一个孝顺的好孩子,宁可自己委屈了,也不愿意和自己的家人翻脸!真是难得!In the middle of Nowheresville lives 16-year-old Mike who wants out of his crappy life - permanently! Spending his time devising ways to do himself in, he considers the fatal brain tumor in his head as a godsend. That changes when he meets a girl and falls in love for the first time - without even knowing what love is.THE FALLEN is a three-sided story about German, Italian, and American soldiers, set in Northern Italy during the final weeks of the World War II. On the one side, a group of American supply soldiers delivers ammunition to the front line, a journey that becomes a descent into hell, the success of the mission becomes less likely with every setback. On the other, a doomed German unit and their ragtag Italian partners struggle to maintain morale and discipline amongst their beleaguered troops in the face of certain defeat. Torn between these are the divided loyalties of the Italians, both fascist soldiers and communist partisans, who have turned brother against brother in a bloody civil war. The film looks at the everyday life of the soldiers, their encounters on the road, their hopes and dreams, and the differences in values, morals, and patriotism between the cultures at the end of that era.麥克正為兒子舉辦盛大的生日派對,卻以謀殺妓女的罪名被捕。他堅持自己無辜,但證據驚人——他的手機掉在她家,他的衣服沾染了她的血。只有他的妻子能證明他的清白。地球上或许没有最好的导演,但有最烂的导演——德国导演乌宝(Uwe Boll)正是这一“殊荣”的获得者。乌宝专门拍摄根据电子游戏改编的电影,因无聊至极的拍摄风格和奇差无比的作品质量而“声名显赫”,其“代表作”包括《死亡之屋》、《鬼屋魔影》、《吸血莱恩》和即将上映的《地牢围攻》等。在10分为满分的IMDB网站上,他所有的作品都奇迹般地徘徊在1分和2分之间,居然没有一部电影得分超过3分。对一个以拍电影为职业的导演来说,达到如此高度需要多么惊人的天赋啊!详情