类型:动作,恐怖,言情 / 地区:美国 / 年份:2024
主演:Stephanie Leon,路易吉·马尼,潘晓婷,切尔茜·海塔尔,Julia Vonderlinn
简介:故事发生在十九世纪的英国,单纯天真的女孩吉登斯(乔迪·梅JodhiMay饰)来到了位于布莱乡下的一座故事发生在十九世纪的英国,单纯天真的女孩吉登斯(乔迪·梅JodhiMay饰)来到了位于布莱乡下的一座庄园里,在这里,她即将成为迈尔斯(JoeSowerbutts饰)和弗洛拉(GraceRobinson饰)这对兄妹的家庭教师。在庄园阴森而又诡异的气氛之下,吉登斯渐渐发现了隐藏在兄妹两人身上的秘密。科学...On the distant mining world of New Aries, a young colonist, Jim Marlowe, has acquired a native pet, a"roundhead" he names Willis, which can parrot speech and record visual information. As Jim and his sister P.J. are about to be sent to a boarding school, their mother Jane, the colony's chief medical officer, discovers that a substance in the deeper mines is killing the miners. She uses her authority to shut down the mines, but the decision is rescinded by the evil colony leader, a Beta Earth Mining Company man who sees only the rich profits at any cost. When the colony leader and the school's headmaster discover that Jim has a roundhead in captivity, they seek to steal it for use in medical experiments to make a serum that will temporarily protect the miners against the deadly substances in the mines. Willis records their conversation and when Jim escapes with him, it sets off a revolt against the Company that ends up involving the mysterious intelligent natives. Only Jim's friendship with Willis saves the colonists from eviction or possibly genocide at the hands of the natives, and in an epilogue set many decades later, we see that humans remained and"terraformed" New Aries to make it suitable for both species to co-exist.醍醐灌顶的一句话,让顾潇潇猛地睁大双眼。魏楠,昔日的琼瑶剧童星,目前是中国最贵的电影预告片制作人。自幼学习小提琴,19岁开始从事广告制作。曾担任两千余部影视广告后期制作总监。作为张艺谋御用制作人,电影《三枪拍案惊奇》预告片强烈体现了其个人风格,得到张艺谋、陈凯歌、陆川等导演好评,创造了中国电影通过预告片提高票房的历史,使中国电影预告片制作成为新的产业。他把电影和广告剪接融为一体,成功制作《金陵十三钗》《敢死队2》《饥饿游戏》《画皮2》等60余部预告片。2010年成立中国首家专业电影预告片...高中生格雷戈(托马斯·曼 Thomas Mann 饰)性格善良却有点孤僻,他唯一的爱好是与死党厄尔(RJ·赛勒 RJ Cyler 饰)拍摄短片,改编他们喜爱经典电影,自娱自乐。有一天,格雷戈结识了身患白血病的女孩蕾切尔(奥利维亚·库克 Olivia Cooke 饰),乐观开朗的蕾切尔改变了格雷戈原有...去传递无声的真心最特别的家庭成长故事聋哑人夫妇‘宝贤‘和’胜乐‘为了儿子的未来将他交给乡下的母亲照看却因此让儿子有了距离感夫妇二人想以真心去接近孩子却因父母无法倾听自己而郁闷着...其实真的辛苦,天不亮就要起来操练。他直接道:辛苦。陈天豪没有感觉到任何不舒服,树妖的魅惑仿佛失效了一般,他继续前行。阮茵无奈笑了一声,道:傻孩子,这有什么好生气的,我知道你不是诚心的。你不就是怕尴尬,不想去我那里住吗?那没关系,我时常过来看你不也是一样的吗?详情