类型:动作,科幻,悬疑 / 地区:日本 / 年份:2022
简介:Once I Will Be Child' is a film to be shared with Once I Will Be Child' is a film to be shared with the whole family. Imagine clocks stop in time, happily amazed at that time when we were kids, that time of our lives where every second, every decision, every meeting becomes an experience capable of making us change. Imagine, like children, to travel through time, from the 1960s to the present, and experience small adventures that will remain etched in memory, like the smell of an object, the taste of a sweet, the color of a memory. Imagine being children and have the possibility to still be one. 'Once I Will Be Child' is an episodic film told through the eyes of protagonists between 7 and 14 years. The film goes through six decades (1958, 1960, 1978, 1984, 2007, today) and, inspired by the 'children's movies' that marked the fantasy and the cinema of the ' 80 (from 'E.T.' in 'the Goonies' up to 'Honey, I shrunk the kids!'), outlines an amused tribute to various film genres (ranging from science fiction, to yellow, to the tale of ...可是这个想法他只敢放在自己心里,要他当着叶瑾帆的面说出来,他是万万不敢的。漂亮强悍的女特工玛洛里(吉娜·卡拉诺 Gina Carano 饰)一直是杀手公司的香饽饽,因为无论何种难题,交到玛洛里手上总能被完美解决。一个星期前,玛洛里顺利从巴塞罗那解救出人质江后,又被紧急调派到...上海解放后解放军某部八连接受了在南京路执勤的任务三排长陈喜经不起资产阶级香风熏染瞧不起乡下来看他的妻子春妮看不惯脸长得黑的八班长赵大大逐渐丢掉了我军艰苦朴素的优良品质上海籍新战士童阿男自由主义思想严重不请假私自外出受到连长鲁大成批评后竟扬长而去八班长赵大大则看不惯上海滩的乌烟瘴气坚决要求上前线去指导...アニメ史に輝く名盤レコードといわれ、第21回芸術祭のレコード部門奨励賞も獲得した作曲家・富田勲の「交響詩 ジャングル大帝」(1966年・日本コロムビア)。そこに収録される交響楽曲に、完全新規作画の映像をつけた「音楽を映像化した」企画ものの新作OVA。作画監督はTVアニメ『ど根性ガエル』の同職などで活躍の本木久年で、主人公レオたちのキャラクターデザインは1989年にTV放映の『(新)ジャングル大帝』の顔立ちに近しいもの。原画には本木のほか、平田敏夫や金山明博など実力派アニメーターが多数参加。監督は平田が兼任し、全体の監修は『(新)ジャングル大帝』の監督職・宇井孝司が務めている。ちなみに本企画の原典となった音盤は2009年に富田自身による改訂盤「交響詩 ジャングル大帝~白いライオンの物語~」がリメイク製作されている。A pedophile is released out of prison from a 6-year sentence after allegedly molesting a 12-year old girl. The victim, now 18, reunites with her assailant whom she calls her"soul mate" only to spark outrage in the community. Not only do they attack the Pedophile, but soon cause more harm and chaos to the girl that they supposedly were protecting.一个特殊的科学实验,一场奇妙的异时空探险。 君常笑带着系统来到了星陨大陆,继承了个默默无名的小门派。他必须在一百年内将宗门建设成星陨大陆NO.1,收徒达到十万,若是完不成,系统自爆连带他也会跟着袁江暗戳戳的想跟上去,结果被肖战一甩门,差点砸到鼻子。脑力大挑战第三季详情