类型:恐怖,悬疑,古装 / 地区:大陆 / 年份:2017
简介:Seventeen year old Elizabeth and her younger sisteSeventeen year old Elizabeth and her younger sister Sam are thrust into circumstances more terrifying than life with their abusive, drunken mother when they are forced to move into their deceased Grandfather's house. Frightened beyond belief, they are forced to learn horrible things about their family history. Never mind the ghosts in the house, there is something far worse that takes an interest in them ... a cannibalistic clown named Crepitus.青年难马邦秋(竹原ピストル 饰)年近而立,人生却一塌糊涂。他没有正式工作,人际关系糟糕透顶。少年时他曾是学校棒球队的替补队员,如今唯一的乐趣便是每日挥动球棒,幻想成为万人瞩目的击球手。某晚,难马从便利店归来途中遭遇一个醉酒的女人荣子(坂井真紀 饰)。巧合的是,荣子也是一个棒球爱好者。在此之后,这个经常烂醉如泥的女人便搬到难马的住处。虽然生活是如此的不寻常,但难马却似乎找到久违的乐趣,为了荣子他甚至愿意拎着球棒打劫路人。一时间,“棒球强盗”的恐慌弥漫整个街区,他们也被不良警察石冈(安藤政信 饰)盯上。这三个畸零之人走到一起,结局仿佛由此注定……明朝,家境贫寒的解大绅自幼聪慧好学,能诗善对。无论是河滩上与胖和尚和老羊倌的嬉戏逗乐,还是有感而发的一字联,亦或是威震全街的开业对,都显示出小小文曲星的机灵可爱。大绅替生病的父亲分忧,挑担去卖豆腐,却因在县衙后门前叫卖而被抓到县衙受审。心胸狭窄的曹乡绅摆下对联擂台要打掉解大绅的威风,名流雅士们轮番上...说完这话,聂远乔就大步往前走去,打开门回到了自己的屋子里面。路过村里时,家家户户都还很安静,马儿都瘦了许多,好在现在也不需要它跑得快,出村之后,秦肃凛控着它慢慢走着。Ingrid and her siblings are on the run from the Beserkers who have begun invading the villages, taking over, savagely using the residents on a game where they vs a Beserker, and if they win, they get to survive - only, no one ever wins. The siblings are trying to escape the Beserkers after they violently murdered m.ysgou.cc and took over their town. However, the Beserkers are on their trail, and want to put them in the game.A group of international photographers travel to the Philippines to photograph the Black Shama, a rare bird. They are told the legend of an ancient warlord whose spirit is said to still roam the land. Ignoring the warnings, they travel deep into the jungle and set up camp.When one of them finds a fresh corpse clutching a strange talisman, he becomes host to the vengeful ghost and begins to prey on his fellow travellers…两个人对视了一眼,庄依波才又低头看向了自己那盘切割好的牛排,顿了片刻之后,终究还是重新拿起了刀叉。四处巡回演出的胜秋歌仔戏班,团长阿在有色无胆又怕老婆,但是团长夫人秀姊作风阿沙力,对团员照顾有加,年轻的阿祥是团里性格憨厚的后起之秀。某日戏班来到某地演出,途中开始遇到不祥之怪事。详情